Kayak Jack Boat Lift and Brand | Our Story of the Invention
| Sherri Blum
Sherri Blum set out on a mission. Her mission is to make kayaking accessible to more people. She invented and patented a boat lift to get your kayak onto and off your roof rack independently. That mission came from personal need and desire to kayak independently without soliciting help from strangers to get her kayak onto her car's roof rack. In the process, she's realized a great need for many Americans to have the ability to get on the water and realize the mental health and physical benefits of kayaking. To help fund her creation and dream, she's created a lifestyle brand of Kayak Jack clothing including bucket and boonie hats, solar shirts with SPF 50 sun protection and more. The sale of the apparel and gifts helps her raise money to finish the prototype and bring the Kayak Jack boat lift to market. See her tell her story and inspiration in this video.
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